A Global HVAC Leader



About this Project

Daikin is the leading global HVAC that has developed multiple apps to help contractors select products  based on load requirements and feature/operation preferences of the home or business owner.

Applications Updated
  • SplitXpress Selection Tool
  • SplitXpress Zones
  • SplitXpress Systems
Responsibilities included
  • Created Figma-based prototypes
  • Conducted multiple usability tests to validate the prototype by interviewing existing users
  • Presented my findings and recommendations to C-Suite stakeholders
  • Worked closely with the dev team throughout the process to ensure smooth hand-off

Assisted by



Redesign Considerations
  • Redesign the title area and top button group to allow users to review cart items immediately
  • Product Cards need the latest design language from PLP
  • Too many features like Quantity and Shipping Method, are hidden under the edit button
  • The Order Summary is wordy with too many lines that impact skim-ability
  • Modifying shipping speed is clunky and creates friction
  • Save for Later - product cards look old
Cart Before
This is an example of Foot Locker's Cart Experience before redesign
Redesign Successes
  • Refined title area and smaller top button group that allows users to see cart
  • Smaller sleeker updated product cards in updated design language
  • Combined Gender & Size to save space
  • Moved ability to expedite shipping from cart to exclusively to checkout
  • Simplified Order summary with updated promo code button
  • Improved E-Gift Card Product Cards to affirm entered info
  • Updated Save for Later area and product cards with new design language
Cart Now
This is an example of Foot Locker's Cart Experience after redesign



Checkout Before
This is an example of Foot Locker's Checkout Experience before redesign
Checkout Now
This is an example of Foot Locker's Checkout Experience after redesign


PLP - Product Cards

PLP Product Cards Before
PLP Product Cards Now


Blue Sky 2023 - A Vision Forward

iOS & Android

Mobile App Redesign

Audio Podcast

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Video Podcast

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