Case Study


In Brief

RxLocal is a sub brand of PioneerRx Pharmacy Software. While working with PioneerRx, they were in desperate need of brand refocus and refresh. Organic app adoption was very poor and PioneerRx has big dreams for RxLocal becoming a franchise. This inspired the refresh the brand in order to create a customer-centered experience to messaging, design, and help position the brand for franchising.

Project Scope

  • Experience Design
  • Experience Strategy & Insight
  • Personas
  • App Development

Tools Used

  • Figma
  • Adobe XD
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe Photoshop

My Role

Creative Director / UX Lead

The Challenge

Like people, brands should always continue to change and evolve. Creating brands that have flexibility, longevity, and impact are our speciality. Courage has expertise in every major design area such as web, social media, print, signage, public relations, and more.

Poor UX & UI

RxLocal suffers from a confusing and complicated interface.  Many options are buried in hamburger menu requiring extra clicks.

Old Looking

Existing app looks old and not competitive with big chain offerings. User interface doesn‘t match the new refreshed RxLocal brand.

Brand Refresh

Create a design system that better utilizes color, iconography, without making RxLocal look unrecognizable.

Concerns with Previous Interface

  • Multiple tasks have unnecessary clicks
  • Limited color palette inhibits contrast
  • Hidden buttons below the fold without scroll indicators
  • Important info missing from hamburger menu.
Poor UX

Calling the pharmacy

  • Calling pharmacy takes 3 clicks to complete.
  • Button to get to pharmacy info doesn't indicate multiple function levels.
  • Open now indicator isn't overly helpful without store hours.
Click 1
Click 2
Click 3
Old UI

Low contrast & old UI

  • Limited color palette and contrast levels make key information hard to read.
  • Very thin typography inhibits legibility.
  • List views do not have enough visual contrast and some font sizes are too small.
Brand Refresh

Desperate need for a refresh

  • While a teal and red color palette can communicate medical, it also communicates old.
  • Brand needs to be less medical and more approachable.
  • RxLocal is looking to better differentiate it as a franchise.

The Goal

Improve the User Experience and retention by uncovering user pain points within the app, keeping in mind the cost of developing new features.

Fewer Clicks

With a simplified card style user are able to start all desired tasks within 1 - 2 clicks.

Modern Look

New colors, card style, iconography, and updated branding will communicate a more up-to-date feel.

Easier to Use

Introduce new card style and create new UI that is easier to use but has similar user flows.

Design Principals

  • Aesthetic-Usability Effect
    Users often perceive aesthetically pleasing design as more usable.
  • Law of Common Region
    Elements tend to be perceived into groups if they are sharing an area with a clearly defined boundary.
  • Uniform Connectedness
    Elements that are visually connected are perceived as more related than elements with no connection.

The Users

Who Uses the app?

In this COVID world it has become abundantly clear that technology is the only thing that is going to keep you in business. Seniors have embraced technology to book virtual visits with their doctors to now getting pharmacy care online. The older than 50 user is the largest users followed by mothers and caretakers.

1. Older than 50

These users are managing chronic conditions, have poorer eyesight, and are devices apprehensive.

2. Mothers

Cares for multiple members of their family and benefits from asynchronous communication with pharmacy.

3. Caretakers

Helps their patients manage their prescriptions and helps set up reminders to increase adherence.

Features important to users

Below are the most important features for users and must be included in the prototype.

1. Messaging

Set reminders to take prescribed medication at a certain time or schedule.

2. Refills

Request refill in-app for eligible refills, manage existing request.

3. Pharmacy Info

Set reminders to take prescribed medication at a certain time or schedule.

4. Reminders

Set medication reminders for specific time or schedule.

5. rX Managment

Manage user scripts or manage multiple members of the same family.

6. Patient Profile

Information for patient can be updated as needed. i.e. Contact Information

7. Insurance Info

Store most recent up-to-date insurance information on users.

8. Healthcare team

Store contact information for involved healthcare professionals.

The Process

Who Uses the app?

In this COVID world it has become abundantly clear that technology is the only thing that is going to keep you in business. Seniors have embraced technology to book virtual visits with their doctors to now getting pharmacy care online. The vast majority of users are older



  • Market Research
  • Competitive Analysis
  • Personas
  • User Interviews



  • How-Might-We Questions
  • Product Goals
  • Product Roadmap
  • Sitemap



Task / User Flows
Responsive UI



High-Fidelity Prototype
Usability Testing

User Flows

Here is the basic user flow for the RxLocal prototype.

Sketching & Ideation

Here we were able to create a simple functioning UI while still offering a significant amount of information and functionality.

Low Fidelity Wireframes

Here we were able to create a simple functioning UI while still offering a significant amount of information and functionality.


Here is where the brand helps the prototype really come to life. The vibrant and friendly color scheme helps the user understand what part of the app they using.

In Conclusion

Simpler, Modern, Increased Legibility, & Fewer Clicks

We were able to solve every pain point users expressed by users. With this beautiful vibrant design, users will be able to have increased functionality and features. Pharmacies that provide RxLocal as their pharmacy‘s app, now have an option that competes with the big box offerings.

Fewer Clicks

With a simplified card style user are able to start all desired tasks within 1 - 2 clicks.

Modern Look

New colors, card style, iconography, and updated branding will communicate a more modern feel

Easier to Use

Introduced new card style and created new UI that is easier to use but has similar user flows
Improved ux

Calling the pharmacy

  • Calling pharmacy takes 2 clicks to complete
  • More button is a better indicator of function and depth of information.
  • Open now indicator now is paired with easy access to popup store hours button
Click 1
Click 2
New UI

Stronger contrast & and modern feel

  • Color palette is much more flexible and enhances the user experience by making UI easier to use
  • Thicker font choices make text easier to read for all users
  • New card style helps create visual separation and hierarchy
Brand Refresh

New look is more flexible and modern

  • Rounded typography, emphasis on the X, colors compliment the teal integrate seamlessly
  • Brand is now less medical and more approachable
  • The brand colors and color theory is used everywhere the customer interacts with the brand

Figma Prototype